The “Miraculous King of Herbs”

ganoderma-mushroomThe red mushroom Ganoderma has a long history of use for promoting health, energy, and longevity in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. Now, it has been making its way to the west. Considered as one of the most important herbs in Asian healing, Ganoderma is prized more on its pharmaceutical rather than its nutritional value.

The Ganoderma lucidum is sometimes called Lingzhi or Reishi. The Latin word lucidus means “shiny” or “brilliant”. It refers to the luminous exterior of the mushroom. In China, Ganoderma lucidum is called lingzhi, which means “ling = divine and zhi = fungus”. Lingzhi represents a combination of spiritual
qualification (divine power) and essence of immortality (longevity), and is regarded as the “herb of spiritual potency”. Meanwhile, Reishi is a Japanese term which means immortality plant.

Ganoderma is believed to have important properties that aid in human body’s healing ability. Aside from promoting health and longevity, this red mushroom has unique components that may contribute much to the strengthening of the immune system.

Ganoderma contains 3+1 powerful substances proven to boost your immune system.


helps improve blood circulation; improves oxygen supply especially to the brain cells; reduces bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure; stabilizes blood sugar; improves heart and liver functions; strengthens bones and the immune system. Organic germanium also facilitates the body’s natural response to inhibit free radicals that cause cancer in humans.


exhibit antitumor (prevents or inhibits the formation or growth of tumors); anti-mutagenic (reduces the rate of mutation); immunomodulatory (having the ability to improve immune functions); antithrombotic (prevents stroke); anticoagulant (prevents coagulation or clotting of blood); anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation); antimicrobial (kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth), and antiviral (fights viral infections) activities. Polysaccharides detoxify the body.


have been described as immunomodulatory (allows the system to self-regulate: to strengthen it when it is weakened and to suppress it when it is overactive), antitumoral (neutralizes tumor) agents, anti-inflammatory (alleviates inflammation), antiviral (fights virus), antimicrobial (foils microbes) compounds. Triterpenes build and activate cells, improve digestive functions, strengthen heart and liver, improve the body’s natural healing ability.

Ganoderma also contains the following active ingredients: Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Dietary Fiber (All these are essential for human health and life); Adenosine (regulates the body’s hormone functions, improves blood circulation, revitalizes the metabolism, controls cholesterol level, reduces obesity, boosts energy levels, fights off stress); and Ganoderic Essence (keeps the skin healthy). Ganoderma also contains antioxidants, enzymes or other organic compounds that counteract the damaging effects of oxidation on human tissue, which help prevent premature aging, strengthen the immune system, and fight infections.

Why choose DXN Ganoderma?

Out of more than 38,000 varieties of Mushrooms that exist, only 2,000 are suited for human consumption. In that, about 200 provide health benefits. GANODERMA ranks superior among them. To achieve the highest health values, DXN combines 6 of the best Ganoderma Lucidum varieties to produce the DXN GANODERMA via tissue culture procedure.


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