Cordyceps sinensis

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The chinese Cordyceps Sinensis

Cordyceps is a highly valued medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine and modern clinical practice.  In China, it is known as “insect in winter, grass in summer” and “caterpillar fungus”.  Cordyceps is located in areas of China, Tibet and Nepal above 3,000 meters.  DXN Cordyceps is produced through a crop, so it can be safely consumed by all of us.

Description and occurrence:

The Chinese caterpillar fungus is a medically important member of the genus Cordyceps, which has about 400 members and grows in cold, snowy and swampy areas of the 3000 m above sea level regions of China and Tibet.  The knowledge and use of this mushroom have been transferred from traditional Tibetan medicine to traditional Chinese medicine.  Data from various literature sources are very different on how long it has been used in China, but it can certainly be accepted that its use dates back more than 1,000 years.

Main active ingredients:

low and high molecular weight polysaccharides, other sugar derivatives (eg cordicepic acid);  proteins, peptides, polyamines and essential amino acids;  sterols, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (most important: palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, water- and fat-soluble vitamins (K and E and B1, B2 and B12) and minerals (K, Na, Mg  , Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se, Al, Si, Ni, Sr, Ti, Cr, Ga, V and Zr).

Main effetcs: In various in vitro and in vivo studies, polysaccharide-rich aqueous and polysaccharide-free alcoholic extracts from mycelium cultures, extracts from the fungal body of the fungus, as well as factory preparations standardized for specific active substances and, less frequently, isolated compounds, have been used.  The chemical composition of the ‘raw materials’ used in the experiments is particularly rich, which has led to the detection of a number of valuable therapeutic effects.

The main effects of the Chinese caterpillar fungus in human studies can be summarized as follows:

  1. helping kidney secretion processes, reduce blood and protein urination in case of pathology;
  2. stimulate liver function and detoxification function;;
  3. reduce the feeling of pain, increase the body’s use of oxygen;;
  4. amplify the weakened immune responses of the body, they have a positive effect on the activity of the immune system
  5. in some cases they slow down, stop the formation of tumours,
  6. contributing to the restoration of immune defence in cancer patients, thereby increasing the patients’ chances of survival, when used in higher doses, they have the same potency as cyclosporine, which inhibits the immune system (this effect may be significant in organ transplants);
  7. reduce abnormally high blood fat levels, especially cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and have other beneficial effects on the heart due to their other properties (eg inhibit cholesterol deposition in the arteries, dilate blood vessels, inhibit platelet aggregation; help blood flow through the blood vessels);
  8. have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate breakdown processes, lower blood sugar levels;
  9. elieves bronchospasm, helps to empty the adherent abnormal mucus
  10. facilitate breathing; contribute to the body’s antioxidant capacity,
  11. inhibit the growth and development of certain bacteria and fungi.
  12. elieve stress and anxiety.

Almost all of the listed beneficial properties are complementary to the basic mechanisms, the immunomodulatory effect.


based on the results of clinical trials, Cordyceps extracts and preparations with a specific composition and standardization for certain active substances may cause certain liver diseases (eg hepatitis B, chronic liver cirrhosis), chronic renal failure and nephritis, certain respiratory diseases (eg asthma, pneumonia) and  in the treatment of certain cancers (eg breast cancer, lung cancer), certain metabolic (fat metabolism disorders, diabetes) and cardiovascular diseases (eg atherosclerosis) and symptoms associated with the aging process (chronic fatigue, circulatory weakness)  , memory and sexual dysfunction).

Recommended daily dosages:

The usual dose in clinical trials is 3 to 4.5 g.  In severe liver disease 6-9 g.

There are also data on the use of a preparation containing 30 to 50 g of the active substance in cancer.

Undesirable effects, contraindications, warnings:

no adverse side effects have been observed with these high doses of artificially produced Chinese caterpillar preparations.  Contraindications are not known based on the sources processed, however, concomitant use with other drugs requires specialist consideration and monitoring.


Its use is primarily recommended to strengthen the weakened body after a long-term illness.

Other common applications: lung and kidney

  • strengthening its function, relieving cough, reducing lung and bronchial secretions; tuberculosis, hemorrhage, impotence, irregular menstruation, weakness in old age, treatment of lower back pain, elimination of night sweats and strengthening of the nervous system.
  • There are a number of problems with the origin and identification of caterpillar products.  Quality control of Chinese caterpillar products is just as fundamental as that of medicines.

Cordyceps came to the forefront of interest to Western athletes and professionals involved in their training in 1993, after the 1993 World Open Athletics Championships (Stuttgart) to the astonishment of Chinese runners in 3 numbers (1,500m, 3,000m and 10,000m gold)  they won a medal.  During their preparation, the athletes regularly consumed Cordyceps on the advice of the Olympic team doctor.  For a month at the Chinese National Games, one of the team’s members, Wang Junxia, won another accolade for his country and the Cordyceps in addition to World Cup gold, including breaking the 10,000m women’s world record in cross-country.

Cordyceps has been at the center of interest in Western (sports) scientific life ever since.

In 2010, Chen et al. Included healthy, older subjects in their double-blind, placebo-controlled study.  The study looked at 50 healthy men aged between 50 and 75 years.  The results of the experimental study suggest that consumption of Cordyceps may contribute to the well-being (homeostasis) of healthy, older individuals and improve their physical performance.

It is important to note, that the effects listed are valid to Cordyceps mushroom, not DXN Cordyceps capsule.

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